
Common NameOnion
Scientific NameAllium cepa
ShapeSpherical to oval
SizeVaries (Small: 2-3 cm in diameter, Medium: 5-8 cm, Large: 10-15 cm)
WeightVaries (50-300 grams)
Color (Outer Skin)Yellow, white, red, or purple
Color (Flesh)White, yellow, or red
TextureFirm and crisp when raw, softens when cooked
Skin ThicknessThin, papery outer layers
Flesh LayersConcentric layers
AromaPungent, characteristic onion smell
TasteSharp, pungent when raw; sweetens when cooked
Water ContentApproximately 89%
Nutritional ContentLow in calories, contains vitamin C, dietary fiber, folic acid, calcium, iron
Storage Life2-3 months in a cool, dry place
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